Happy New Year. Now get after it.

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

– Arnold Schwarzenegger

Warm-Up: (10 Minutes)

  • 3 Rounds:
    • 10 Push-Ups
    • 15 Air Squats
    • 20 Seconds of Arm Circles (forward and backward)
    • 200m Light Jog or 1 Minute of Jump Rope

Workout: 3 Rounds for Time

1. Tricep Pulley Burnout

  • 15 Tricep Extensions on Pulley (moderate-to-heavy resistance)
  • 10 Close-Grip Push-Ups (hands under shoulders, focus on triceps)

2. Treadmill Run

  • 1 Mile Run on Treadmill (adjust incline to 1.5-2% for outdoor feel)

3. Punching Bag

  • 3 Minutes Continuous Work:
    • 30 Seconds Jab-Cross Combo (nonstop)
    • 30 Seconds Hooks (alternate left and right)
    • 30 Seconds Uppercuts (fast and powerful)
    • 30 Seconds Rest (repeat twice)

4. Core Stabilizer

  • 20 Russian Twists (10 per side, weighted if desired)
  • 30-Second Plank Hold